Reconnecting What Freeways Severed: Addressing the Historical Toll on Communities Split by Highways


Planners and engineers in the 50's and 60's often built freeways directly through African American communities, severing neighborhoods and dismantling small businesses in the way. Sally Bagshaw, Scott Bonjukian, John Feit, and other advocates and government leaders are now speaking out against these 70-year-old road design practices, offering solutions to restore and reconnect neighborhoods.

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Mitigating Climate Change in Cities Requires More Than Planting Trees



Urban greenery can help create more resilient cities -- but only if residents are engaged in the process. Professor John Wilson, working at the intersection of sociology, environmental science and technology calls for an all-hands approach.

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A Hand Up, Not a Hand Out! To Address Racial and Economic Injustice, Bridge the Skills Gap

As we work to ensure a more just economic recovery, business leaders, policy leaders and philanthropists all have an important role to play. Paul Salem discusses how tested programs like Year Up plays a critical role in creating an integrated talent ecosystem for young people of color to succeed.

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America’s Aging Infrastructure Needs Our Support


America infrastructure received a score of ’C-’. It is no secret that our nation’s many infrastructure networks, from the electric grid to transit systems to drinking water pipes and port facilities, have been underfunded and gradually deteriorating for decades. Emily Feenstra, from the American Society of Civil Engineers, discusses how this needs to change.

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Our Common Responsibility: Addressing Homelessness Post-COVID


We see them in most major cities: tents in our neighborhoods, tarps on our sidewalks, and encampments in our parks. We see garbage piling up. Feces in doorways. Teresa Mosqueda and Sally Bagshaw emphasize, however, that inside the tents, there are people trying to survive.

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Time for Transparency: A Post-COVID America Where Employers Report Wage Data by Gender and Race


As with all complex economic and social inequality in America, the path to achieve wage equity has engaged thousands of activists, scholars and public servants. Yet few employers, some only after settling racial and gender discrimination lawsuits, have publicly supported wage equity efforts. Evelyn Murphy discusses the need for transparency and accountability to achieve gender equity.

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An Equitable Economic Recovery Post-COVID Needs Inclusive Small Business Entrepreneurship


To truly ensure economic racial justice and a more equitable recovery post-COVID, we need to help existing and would-be BIPOC entrepreneurs. Gail Goodman discusses how inclusive entrepreneurship is a powerful tool for battling income inequality and workforce displacement.

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Education, Social Enterprise and Economic Development Mike Meotti and Drew Magliozzi Education, Social Enterprise and Economic Development Mike Meotti and Drew Magliozzi

Using Artificial Intelligence to Navigate the New Challenges of College and Career

Even before the outbreak of COVID-19, the path to economic opportunity in the United States has become less clear as workers’ careers have taken increasingly non-traditional routes. Mike Meotti and Drew Magliozzi paint a compelling portrait of how technology can carve new tracks and create new ways of working.

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An Energy Manifestation Model as a Bridge to Social Impact

Many social entrepreneurs have a vision, a passion for social impact that often never gets off the ground. An energy manifestation model can help avoid the common pitfalls of losing sight of the original vision and changing course. Donna Wing discusses a practical application of the model to bridge social impact through an applied example from her own social entrepreneurship project.

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Never Again: When it Comes to Sheltering those Experiencing Homelessness, We Cannot Go Back to the Way Things Were

Facing consistently overcrowded facilities, Joe Finn discusses how shelter providers recognized that they had an impossible choice: should they deny shelter to individuals in need, subjecting them to the risks associated with cold weather exposure, or continue to allow them into shelters where they would be susceptible to COVID-19, a quickly spreading and often deadly virus?

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Social Enterprise and Economic Development Amit Kapoor, Michael Green, Mark Esposito and Chirag Yadav Social Enterprise and Economic Development Amit Kapoor, Michael Green, Mark Esposito and Chirag Yadav

India’s Aspirational Districts Programme Focuses Governance Efforts On Development

Amit Kapoor, Michael Green, Mark Esposito and Chirag Yadav discuss how the Indian government has recently taken steps to shift its focus beyond the mere pursuit of economic outcomes to directly target the most deprived regions of the country. By fostering collaboration and utilizing a stakeholder-oriented approach, the Aspirational Districts Programme (ADP) has already shown significant improvements.

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Thinking For Yourself: Intellectual Self Reliance in an Hyper-Connected World

Fundamentally, self-reliance in the twenty-first century is about thinking for yourself and not becoming paralyzed by the data deluge and overwhelming information we suffer through on a daily basis. Vikram Mansharamani discusses ways to harnesses the power of experts and technologies without giving up autonomy.

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Social Enterprise and Economic Development, Racial and Gender Equity Marta Lucía Ramírez de Rincón Social Enterprise and Economic Development, Racial and Gender Equity Marta Lucía Ramírez de Rincón

Women's Economic Empowerment: A Critical Tool for Post-Pandemic Economic Repowering in Colombia

Marta Lucia Ramírez, the Vice President of the Republic of Colombia, discusses how national economies weakened by the COVID-19 pandemic must take measures that include comprehensive actions for women's economic empowerment, as a prerequisite for a sustainable recovery.

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Social Enterprise and Economic Development Rosabeth Moss Kanter Social Enterprise and Economic Development Rosabeth Moss Kanter

Think Outside the Building: How Advanced Leaders Can Change the World One Smart Innovation at a Time

Professor Rosabeth Kanter, in her book, counsels that today's challenges - climate change, COVID-19, systemic racism, economic inequality - require a new paradigm of thinking to upend the status quo. “To think outside the building” is a call to action for bold advanced leaders with the mission to tackle the world’s biggest problems when we need social, economic, and environmental solutions more than ever.

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Upholding the Social Contract in Latin America and the Caribbean

COVID-19 is a global humanitarian crisis that threatens both our lives and our livelihoods. The outlook is especially severe for regions like Latin America, where economies are characterized by high levels of inequality and informality. Andrés Cadena discusses how an upgraded conditional cash transfer program can help Latin America so it does not lose a decade of socioeconomic progress.

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